November 20
Montreal’s veteran, acclaimed author/musician/actor Norman Nawrocki, is touring Canada with a live theatre performance based on his new novel, “CAZZAROLA! Anarchy, Romani, Love, Italy,” (PM Press, Oakland, 2013), and a new musical soundtrack, CAZZAROLA! cd1,
recorded in Italy and Montreal.
Learn about the 130 years-spanning resistance of an Italian family as they engage in heroic resistance to Fascism in Italy. Get swept away by the forbidden love story of the Italian boy, Antonio, who falls for a refugee Roma girl, Cinka. Norman will dramatize excerpts from CAZZAROLA!, playing characters from the novel, and perform selections from the album on his violin.
The event includes two local speakers on immigration issues: Ayendri, from the Justice for Levi group, to speak about the ongoing migrant strike in Lindsay, Ontario