April 10 – 12
TTOK is happy to host “A Carnal Thing,” a new theatrical work by Victoria Silvera & Lauren Roberts. It runs Thursday, April 10 through Saturday, April 12th @ 8pm. This is a pwyc event with all proceeds going to assist Jackson Park.
Starring Bri Shields, Kyle Chivers, Jesse McLellen, and John Whelan, “A Carnal Thing” is a piece inspired by the current parkway proposal plan and the opposing campaign to protect a piece of land that has garnered a great amount of affection from the Peterborough community.
This play has a political and emotional message in regards to people and their relationship to the land around them, confronting our domesticated, carnal lives and listening to the voices of the land.
“A Carnal Thing” invites you to step outside constructed paradigms to explore – or be pulled into – the eyes of a grey musician and a passionate, confrontational young woman, who challenge us to look at who we are in relation to our sense of place and purpose.
Funded by Theatre Trent.