March 24 – 26

The Theatre on King is happy to present Cathy Petch’s new work “Mel Malarkey Gets the Bum’s Rush”

Thanks to the support of the Ontario Arts Council and Theatre Trent, It’s the last night at the Vagabond Theatre and Mel can’t bear to tell the audience. She puts on a brave face, keeps the acts and laughter going, then in private she delivers odes, goodbyes and tells stories of how she came to be the owner of her “Theatre for the unrefined”. Travel back to 1931onederful and get lost in the haze of hilarity. Donkeys! Victor the Crooner! The Musical Saw! Marlene DeDick! Gerta The Flirta! The Hurdy Gurdy Dirty Birdies! Mel goes out in true bombastic style.
Don’t be a wet blanket, a killjoy, it’s all jake, kittens, come get the bum’s rush with us

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