May 25 – 27

The Theatre on King is happy to present Tim Etherington’s “Over Dinner: A love that lasts a mealtime”.

Over Dinner is the story of a two-year relationship told in the space of one dinner date. Pieced together from nine vignettes, the play works on two levels: as a dinner date in real time, and as the entire history of one couple’s time together.

The play examines the language of relationships – how tropes and references carry different weight depending on one’s perception of the person speaking them. What was funny and teasing when a couple first meet can be offensive and incendiary when they have grown tired of one another.

Over Dinner is an uncomfortably funny play that casts a sometimes harsh light on modern dating and calls into question assumptions about love, loyalty, and companionship. It examines the awkward and embarrassing habits that find their way into most relationships.

Audiences will recognize themselves in various scenarios. . . even if that recognition causes them to squirm.

Written and Directed – Tim Etherington
Featuring – Mike Judson, Marsala Lukianchuk, Sarah-Jayne Riley
Lighting Design – Ryan Kerr
Sound Design – Derek Weatherdon
Stage Management – Lydia Etherington

Some funding provided by Theatre Trent

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