November 18
Join local troubadour
Chris Conway
and Precarious Festival artist-in-residence
Justin Million
for Show and Tell Poetry Series’
fourth “revue”
(see: artistic WTFery on a different theme each month…
maybe you’ve been to one of our revues at The Twisted Wheel…?)
Down n’ Out Revue,
a music and poetry revue
of celebrated and unsung
working class singers, songwriters,
and poets.
There will also be crumpled up
pieces of paper all over the bar…
be sure to pick one up
and have a read.
One revue’s refuse
is many event attendees’ fortune!
An ENTIRELY unrehearsed show.
An entirely FREE show,
tho we will be accepting donations
that will go directly to support
the Precarious Festival
in the future! We need this festival in Peterborough,
so please be as generous
as you’re able!
This is the first of four shows organized
by Justin Million and Show and Tell Poetry Series
for the Precarious Festival.
Stay tuned for event pages/posters for the following:
Monday, Nov. 25th: Art for Introverts 2 (featuring Wes Grist, and Melissa Johnston)
Tuesday, Dec. 3rd: Kitchen Talks (featuring Brad Brackenridge, John Marris, Justin Million, and Esther Vincent)
All events are FREE
and will be held at The Garnet.
Thanks to the Precarious Festival (especially Kate Story, Ryan Kerr, and Jeff Macklin).
Thanks to The Garnet,
and to all of the upcoming event contributors!
is the best antidote to precarity!
Show and Tell Poetry Series
still has the longest event details
in the Peterborough
events game.
Prove me
Presented at The Garnet