Precarious Festival: I’m still here

Precarious Festival: I’m still here

November 26

I’m still here: Precarity, Aging and Life with Art
What is precarious about old age? Speakers will talk from their lived and work experiences about connection, laughter,
exploring, and care, challenging expectations about precarity and aging.
Join in a conversation about how the arts—without ignoring the grit—open up avenues to connect, laugh, delight, and offer ease in late life.

Hosted by Sally Chivers, Director of the Trent Centre for Aging & Society, with panelists Susan Braedley (Carleton
University), Shelley King (Artful Connections), Janna Klostermann (Carleton University), and Shannon McKenzie (TTOK). Co-presented by Trent Centre for Ageing and Society. FREE. Snacks provided!