November 4
This is the first indoor event that Show and Tell Poetry Series has hosted in years, so we would love to see you all in person at The Theatre On King!
Our poets are all known to me, your loving host Justin Million, through connections to the vast and rich Ottawa poetry scene. Conyer and Manahil were kind enough to approach STPS about hosting a Peterborough event on their current poetry tour to promote their new books, and we were more than happy to oblige.
Hosted by Justin Million
About the books and authors:
But the sun, and the ships, and the fish, and the waves. is a collection of prose poems that employs surrealism, humour, and body horror to cope with CPTSD, loss, fear, and memory. (…/but-the-sun-and-the-ships…)
MONUMENT is a conversation with Mughal Empress Mumtaz Mahal, which moves her legacy beyond the Taj Mahal. (…/monument-by-manahil…/)
Both collections lean into the speculative to meditate on pasts and futures to figure out who we are in the present.
Conyer Clayton is an award-winning writer, editor, musician, and arts educator living on unceded Algonquin Anishinaabe land. She is the author of But the sun, and the ships, and the fish, and the waves. (A Feed Dog Book by Anvil Press, 2022), We Shed Our Skin Like Dynamite (Guernica Editions, 2020, Winner of the Ottawa Book Award), and many chapbooks, including several collaborative works with VII; an Ottawa-based poetry collective.
Manahil Bandukwala is a writer and visual artist originally from Pakistan and now settled in Canada. She works as Coordinating Editor for Arc Poetry Magazine, and is Digital Content Editor for Canthius. She is a member of Ottawa-based collaborative writing group VII. Her debut poetry collection is MONUMENT (Brick Books).
Accompanying musician: Liam Burke (he/him/himbo) lives in Ottawa, Canada, on unceded Algonquin Anishinaabe land. He is most recently the co-author of ‘machine dreams’ with natalie hanna (Collusion, 2021) and ‘Orbital Cultivation’ with Manahil Bandukwala (Collusion, 2021). His work has most recently appeared in Parentheses Journal, Rejection Letters, Sepia Journal, Bywords, and Sledgehammer Lit, and is forthcoming in Gutslut Press. He holds an MA in philosophy from Carleton University, and plays guitar and sings in the band Moratorium.
With special guests:
Jeff Blackman is the author of YOUR JUST PROVED POEMS WORK and 14 other chapbooks of poetry and prose. He loves to create openings for poets and artists to share, collaborate, and inspire one another. Since March 2020, Jeff has published a bimonthly zine called These Days, featuring over a hundred poets, writers, and artists, ranging from national award winners to never-before-published outsiders. He also co-hosts the 2-for-1 Poetry Open Mic with Bardia Sinaee. Jeff grew up in Thornhill, Ontario, and now lives with his spouse and two kids in Ottawa.
Bardia Sinaee is the author of Intruder (House of Anansi, 2021), which received the Trillium Book Award for Poetry and was a finalist for the Gerald Lampert Memorial Award. His poems have appeared in magazines across Canada and in several editions of Best Canadian Poetry. He was born in Tehran, Iran, and currently lives in Ottawa.