December 20

Lights (working title) by Lela Fox-Doran

Playwrights old and new! Actors! Audiences! TTOK is excited to introduce COLD READS, a new script feedback initiative. 

Actors, please come prepared to read – or just listen and give feedback! Theatre lovers, come share your impressions! After the reading, we want audience feedback (lightly moderated). Writers may come with specific questions. 

Cold Reads kicks off with Lela Fox-Doran’s Lights (working title) – take note, actors, there are lots of roles, and Lela notes: “The characters may be played by any one of any gender expression, and the pronouns may be changed to reflect that. Ages are also largely flexible.”

Are you a writer looking to hear a new script in progress read by actors? Get in touch with TTOK’s Kate Story at  

We’re aiming for four Cold Reads a year. Come for the fun and stay for the feedback!

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