Niambi Tree (August 30-September 5, delivering remotely from Halifax!)

Spoken word poet turned sculptor Niambi Tree explores creating wire sculptures, working with recordings of her spoken word poems. Niambi also collaborates with Jon Hedderwick to deliver a workshop to youth through the NCC.

Born and raised in Jamaica, Niambi Tree spent formative years in Peterborough, Ontario. Her spoken word poetry explores the intersectionality between race, self-worth and mental illnesses. A key member of the Peterborough Poetry Slam Team as well as a two-time individual Grand Slam Champion, Niambi’s work is lyrical, deeply felt, and rooted in storytelling. Her work reminds you that even the act of breathing is an expression of strength. Currently based out of Halifax, Niambi has always been a creative and passionate force of nature, expressing her many talents through poetry, jewellery-making, and Tarot readings. When Niambi is not busy doing kickass things for her community, you can probably catch her by a waterfall, singing too loudly on the bus, or talking to plants more than she does to people.

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