Modern Political Postering Join Jeffrey Macklin in his studio. We’ll talk about the history of public postering (including a local decision that went all the way to the supreme court), complete an in-studio printing workshop, and relay our ideas in the public realm with old-school postering. 3 sessions – to be negotiated with participants. Limit of 5.
Contact: Jeffrey Macklin,  Sugg. donation: $25 or PWYC

Hilary Wear: Play   Sunday December 8, noon-2pm & Wednesday November 27, 12-2 at TTOK. All ages welcome, no experience necessary, open heart and or mind preferred! Using classic clown and improv games, aided by our bodies and spirits, we will strive to leave our brains behind. Come to one or both. Book in advance at
$10 or Pay what you can ñ proceeds to Precarious Festival

garbageface: ad hoc workshops Workshops will be focused around building sustainability into yr musical practice. Full info will be posted on (along with facebook events). FREE. 

Visual artists Victoria Ward @hotspurstudio and Ann Jaeger @troutinplaid will be occupying The Theatre on King for a little more red: a convivium on Marxism, precarity, art, data mining, performance and cake November 10-14. The theatre will be open to the public 1-3pm each day for free talks and workshops, and 4-5pm for a drop in salon. Write a manifesto, make a banner, and explore activism in the arts! Follow us on Twitter and check for details. 

Grantwriting 3.0: Grantwriting for Indigenous Artists & Curators
November 23, 10am – 4pm at Nogojiwanong Friendship Centre, 580 Cameron St
This day-long workshop focuses on grantwriting for local Indigenous artists and curators. Guest speakers share their knowledge and experience writing successful grants.
Opportunities for one-on-one meetings to discuss project ideas and follow-up mentorships offered for up to five participants. With presenters Tia Cavanagh (inter-disciplinary arts and community-based projects); Nadia McLaren (Visual and Media Arts); Nick Ferrio (Music); Ryan Rice (Visual Arts Curator); William Kingfisher (Curator and Art Historian); Couzyn van Heuvelen (Visual Arts) and officers JL Watson (Canada Council); OAC TBC. Presented by the Electric City Culture Council (EC3). FREE


Re-Presenting Ourselves as Treaty Peoples
Monday November 25, 11am-4pm at Art Gallery of Peterborough, 250 Crescent St.
Led by Jill Carter(Anishinaabe/Ashkenazi). As a researcher and theatre-worker, Jill Carter works in Tkaronto with many Indigenous artists to support the development of new works and to disseminate artistic objectives, process, and outcomes through community-driven research projects. This workshop places the Settler and Indigenous body, alike, into direct confrontation with a difficult history that has been ëwritten overí by colonial occupation and invention. Within these territories, we all occupy in a liminal spaceóa space between now and then, a space between now and later. Workshop participants are invited to experience and commit to a process through which we might retreat into what Metis Curator David Garneau has termed ìirreconcilable spaceîóthose spaces in which to repair the split-mind and from which we might re-encounter and re-treat with each other and the biotas that sustain us with generative action powered by good intention. Limit 12 participants. Sign up in advance with Kate Story Co-presented by Art Gallery of Peterborough. Pay what you can/$15-25

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