May 31

Fleshy Thud and TTOK are pleased to present Kenn Gibb and Without a Scratch’s upcoming workshop, Martial Arts for Actors.
Kenn Gibb from Without a Scratch is offering a vigorous workshop designed to introduce techniques from a wide spectrum of traditional disciplines with a stylised focus for the stage and screen actor.
This series is designed to broaden our knowledge and familiarity of fundamental skills, introduce new and intriguing techniques, and strengthen our abilities in order to further enhance our theatrical experiences.
We will be focusing primarily on techniques and principles derived from Jiu Jitsu, Judo, and Karate with influences from Tae Kwon Do, Tai Chi, Muay Thai, and Iaido while applying standard stage combat rules, principles, and guidelines.
Drinking water and comfortable clothing is encouraged.
Future Without a Scratch workshops will consist of a variety of topics including theatrical throws and take-downs, pratfalls and acrobatics, various weapon styles (including european long/short sword, fencing, katana, bo staff, knife, police baton, and firearms) and introduction to Fight Direction

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